Simone and Manda met in college in Ottawa, ON, Canada. While Simone has moved back to her native Trinidad, Manda remains in Canada.

Together they are about to undertake the most difficult 3 months of their entire life together...only...while residing in different countries.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 2 - Manda

I woke up this morning a little more tired than usual but once i got up and movin felt pretty damn good. Was surprised to find that i wasnt as sore as i anticpated being but i suspect that might have something to do with the 15min Evening Yoga routine I did right before bed and the 2nd tub soak of the night right after that.

Did a quick 20min Morning Yoga routine this morning (love me some Gaiam Yoga, Rodney Yee is my hero) and felt pretty optimistic about today.

I was excited to see how Simone faired out the night before. After reading her post i was comforted to see we are more or less on the same page. I definately couldnt do all the reps on some exercises either and had to take wee breaks as well but overall still felt that i pushed myself.

Didnt put down measurements, goals and what not yesterday so i will now:

Age: 28
Height: 5'1
Weight on Day 1: 117.5lbs
Goal Weight on Day 90: 105lbs
Strenghts: Relatively flexible from previous yoga experience
Weaknesses: Upper body/core strength

Actually looking forward to tonight's cardio workout.

Good luck suhmoeknee. Love you girl!

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