Simone and Manda met in college in Ottawa, ON, Canada. While Simone has moved back to her native Trinidad, Manda remains in Canada.

Together they are about to undertake the most difficult 3 months of their entire life together...only...while residing in different countries.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 4 - Manda

Who the hell wants to do an hour and a half of Yoga? Seriously. Regoddamndiculous.

I knew this was not going to be easy (P90x not yoga specifically) but I have been trying to limit my complaining. Here it comes though. AN HOUR AND A HALF!!! Way, way too long. I know, I know, make the commitment and just do what Tony says. If you cant find an hour and a half in your day to commit to your physical well being then what are you doing attempting p90x in the first place, right? I know the arguement and I hear you. But that doesnt mean i have to like.

I love Yoga. I really do. I have been doing Yoga for awhile now, long before i had even heard of P90x. Sometimes i do a morning yoga routine when i wake up and an evening one before bed. Sometimes just one or the other. But i do lots of yoga. This one is just way to long. Do i sound like a broken record yet?

Wtih all that complaining out of the way, Yoga X is a very challenging workout. If you thought "Oh sweet, Yoga, a rest" were you ever mistaken. I was really sweating about 30 mins in. After 45mins my legs were shaky and if i had to vinyasa one more time i probably would have passed out (okay so that is a pretty huge exageration but i was pretty tired at this point). To be honest if after the 45mins of seriously hard work he would have went into stretching out for 15mins instead of starting into balancing poses this might have been my favourite video of the week.

Did i mention this video is AN HOUR AND A HALF? Okay, Okay, Im done now i promise.

Glad that i woke up and got this out of the way right away. I am going to try and wake up early to do legs and back tomorrow morning too. Same with Kenpo on Saturday. Get it over first thing.

Simone i know you mentioned before you hated this video so I hope you got through it without too much frustration. You are killin it so far and you are still my inspiration to get to it every day and really bring it.

Peace out! Manda

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