Simone and Manda met in college in Ottawa, ON, Canada. While Simone has moved back to her native Trinidad, Manda remains in Canada.

Together they are about to undertake the most difficult 3 months of their entire life together...only...while residing in different countries.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 7 - Manda (Weigh In)

As promised...*Drum roll please*........


Thats right. 118lbs. After my first week of P90x I have officially gained .5 of a pound.

Where did i go wrong? I am reluctant to attribute this minor gain to one thing in particular. Could it be water retention? Could it be my eating slip ups throughout the week? Could it be new muscle mass (which i am told weighs more than fat)? I seriously have no idea. I know that when i put on my belt yesterday i quite comfortably had to go to the next tighter loop to keep my pants up so not too sure what is going on.

This morning when i woke up i was sore. That good kind of sore. The i worked really hard yesterday sore. Kenpo was fun and I am feelin the burn today, which, inspite of the pain, or because of it, makes me feel pretty good about myself.

So despite my .5 gain I am not going to let it bring me down. I worked really hard this week and getting through it in one piece makes me want to bring it that much more next week.

I am planning my meals for the week and my goal is to stick to it as much as possible so there is no leeway for excuses at next week's weigh in. I am confident that if i stick with it and push every workout that I will get to my goal. I never expected the results to be immediate and i never expected it to be easy.

I am going to do some Yoga today. Most likely the 1hr Gaiam Yoga Burn. Nothing like an hour spent with Rodney Yee on a Sunday when i could use a good stretch. I thought about doing the X Stretch but I am Tony Horton'd out. The idea of listening to his voice for an hour today does not please me. Need me some soothing, relaxing Rodney Yee.

Havent heard from you in awhile Suhmoeknee. Hope you are sticking with it and that your weigh in today goes more smoothly than mine did. Thank you for keeping me motivated and encouraged. Love you girl!

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