Simone and Manda met in college in Ottawa, ON, Canada. While Simone has moved back to her native Trinidad, Manda remains in Canada.

Together they are about to undertake the most difficult 3 months of their entire life together...only...while residing in different countries.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 3 Update - Manda

So I started with Ab Ripper X. Man. Man o Man o Man. I suck. Seriously. Almost pathetically weak in my core. If i going to be really honest with myself and with Simone my core is by far my weakest link. I really need to work at this. Hard. I might try and squeeze Ab Ripper X in 3 days a week instead of two until i get to a place where i dont feel so pathetic.

Shoulders and arms on the other hand was rad. Love this dvd. Felt the burn and loved it. I really want to develop my upper body strength. That and my core are big focuses for me. I bought a removable stripper pole for my house (for play only, no plans on going pro lol) and you really need insane amounts of upper body strength to do anything really cool. Strippers dont get enough credit man. That shit is hard.

Used mostly 8lbs today but rocked out the 5's for the hard ones. Especially the tricep exercises.

Didnt do the bonus round but seriously considered it. I felt like i could have kept going but since i up'd the weights today i figured id wait until tomorrow, see how sore i was and possibly be thankful i didnt push myself too hard. I used just enough weight that i reeeeeeally had to pump out the last couple reps (I did 12 for all the ones where we were given a choice to set a goal). If i am not jelly armed tomorrow i will definatley definately do the bonus round next week.

Did really well at sticking to my meal plan today. Was really craving something sweet this afternoon but managed to hold out.

Hope you had a wicked good day Simone, the outside of my oreo!

Peace Out!

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