Simone and Manda met in college in Ottawa, ON, Canada. While Simone has moved back to her native Trinidad, Manda remains in Canada.

Together they are about to undertake the most difficult 3 months of their entire life together...only...while residing in different countries.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 3 - Manda

As far as I am concerned i have the two toughest days under my belt. Mind you i didnt test run Kenpo last week so i should probably be biting my tongue. Something tells me that is going to be intense.

Got up and did a 20 minute forward bends yoga routine. Pretty sure I have already mentioned how much i love Gaiam Yoga. Right after Christmas all their yoga dvds were half off and i went a little buck. I am ADDICTED to amazon. Its borderline pathetic. I spend more money on books then i do on food/clothes/anything really. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read. And I also love Yoga. Anyway, i regress. I got Gaiam AM Yoga for your week which has 5 different 20min workouts and this morning the forward bends routine perfectly complimented the cardio workout from yesterday. It loosened up all the tight spots i had upon waking up this morning. I didnt get around to that half hour of Yoga before bed last night but i figure a yoga workout in the morning yesterday and then that cardio blast was more than enough.

Tonight is shoulders and arms. I want to really bring it with this one as i feel i kinda played it safe with last week's test run. At the end of the three months i want me some Michelle Obama arms! I am going to work out with 3, 5 and 8lb weights tonight. My brother has a set of 10's that he said i could have so i will see how tonight goes and maybe up it next week if i feel i need more.

I did pretty good yesterday as far as water consumption goes. The P90x book wants you to have 6-8, 12oz servings and i definately had 6 at the least, probably 7.

Today my goal is to start being more concious of my sodium consumption. It was something I have had on my radar but have never really given it enough thought to do something about because, lets face it, salt is ridiculously delicious.

Here is what the Mayo Clinic says about sodium:
"Your kidneys regulate the amount of sodium kept in your body. When sodium levels are low, your kidneys conserve sodium. When levels are high, they excrete the excess amount in urine.

If your kidneys can't eliminate enough sodium, the sodium starts to accumulate in your blood. Because sodium attracts and holds water, your blood volume increases. Increased blood volume, in turn, makes your heart work harder to move more blood through your blood vessels, increasing pressure in your arteries. Certain diseases such as congestive heart failure, cirrhosis and chronic kidney disease can lead to an inability to regulate sodium."

Will give a post workout update later on today.

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