Simone and Manda met in college in Ottawa, ON, Canada. While Simone has moved back to her native Trinidad, Manda remains in Canada.

Together they are about to undertake the most difficult 3 months of their entire life together...only...while residing in different countries.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 10 - Manda

Got up early this morning and got Ab Ripper X and Shoulders and Arms out of the way first thing.

I feel like I am making a bit of progress of Ab Ripper X but admittedly it is a slow journey. I still cant do the thing where you pop up and then lower yourself down and then push up to touch your toes from there. Really hard.

Shoulders and Arms went well. Not sure why but my left bicep started to "workout burn" last night so this morning i really felt it but made it through the dvd. Didnt do the bonus round. Not so much because i couldnt, i think i could have made it through but i was running pretty late for work. I forgot that we started having morning meetings on wednesday mornings at 8 which is half an hour earlier than i usually have to be there so we could discuss what happened at Council last night.

Did well with eating yesterday. Tonight could be a bit of a bust. I am going to a working dinner tonight for a committee i sit on which means a) i will be eating out at a restaurant and b) i will be with a bunch of adults who have no qualms about putting back a couple glasses of wine. I will try to limit myself to one glass, okay probably two but no more than that!

Noticed today that the black pants i wear to work are fitting a tiny bit looser. Definately having to pull them up more frequently and Simone im with you on the peeing every 5 minutes business. There is only me and 1 other women on the upstairs floor of the building i work in so her and I share a bathroom which is right next to her office so she must be convinced i have some sort of bladder problem by now. Aw well.

Peace for now!

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