Simone and Manda met in college in Ottawa, ON, Canada. While Simone has moved back to her native Trinidad, Manda remains in Canada.

Together they are about to undertake the most difficult 3 months of their entire life together...only...while residing in different countries.

Monday, March 8, 2010

SIMONE - DAY 13,14,15 & 16

good morning,

last time I wrote was friday ... and i made up for the missed day .. this weekend was def one of the hottest weekends of life 36 degrees celcius OMG and the air was still .. very hard to work out
not to mention i went to the hair dresser friday evening .. soo friday was a hopeless case and could not muster up the strength to work out .. and saturday was filled with errands and to do lists and the heat had everyone overwhelmed and drained two fans on me and keron just to keep sane lol

soo unfortunatley this weekend was not as productive as i thought it would be ... and of course sunday was some more needed relaxation with some more heat .. gosh i wish i could afford air conditioning :( .. anyway soo the eating wasnt that bad ... but i had a weak moment i had something called doubles sat night .. manda u remember that .. anyway not the healthiest .. but did pretty good other wise .. i had some fries .. baked .. but cassava and sweet potato fries .. just for a change with some sauteed chicken and shrimp for dinner last night .. holy yummy but not too bad i think... not much snacking and lots of water esp cause of the heat.

good news is I woke up this morning ..MONDAY MARCH 8TH AND KILLED CORE THIS MORNING ~~ :) mornings are def my thing when it comes to working out .. i have more energy .. once i get out of bed .. which by the way was soo hard to do .. .. im trying the p90x diet this week .. to see if this helps soo far im doing well today .. it satisfies me ... as i know it did before

i weighed on sunday and i lost 2 lbs which is good i now weigh 144 soo im happy with the progress slow but steady.

im going to try to run this evening on the treadmill tonight .. before keron and i try to go see alice in wonderland in 3d!!! im soo excited :) .. gonna eat dinner first soo im not tempted to cheat lol

my mom isnt feeling well these days soo our walks are put on hold until maybe next week when she feels better .. love u mummy!!!

good going manda .. we have hard days but the point is for us not to give up and keep on getting back on the horse!! we can do it .. even if we stumble !!!

Simoney out!

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