Simone and Manda met in college in Ottawa, ON, Canada. While Simone has moved back to her native Trinidad, Manda remains in Canada.

Together they are about to undertake the most difficult 3 months of their entire life together...only...while residing in different countries.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 9 - Manda

Feel pretty good this morning. Woke up at 5:45am and ROCKED Cardio. Simone I was the same as you and couldnt do the Sphinx pushups either but this morning was different. I busted out 5 of them (on my knees of course). I would have cried i was so happy for myself had i not had at least another 30 minutes of work out left. Haha.

It feels SO GOOD to have it out of the way and know that i can just go home and relax tonight. My test run week was ROUGH. Not gonna lie or sugar coat it. It was ROUGH. Test run week i woke up EVERY morning and felt like i was gonna die afterwards. The first time i took cardio x for a spin i literally thought i was going to throw up when i was done. I think this was why i was so incredibly reluctant to go back to morning exercising. I had alot more energy when i switched to the after work workout but this morning i totally got through it and felt great after. I am going to try and keep up the morning routine.

Suhmoeknee, I thought of you this morning when things got really tough and wished that we were closer so we could workout together and I could have somone to push me for those extra couple reps that i tell myself i just cant do. Regardless, my mantra is still "simone did it, so can I". Love you my Trini Princess!


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