Simone and Manda met in college in Ottawa, ON, Canada. While Simone has moved back to her native Trinidad, Manda remains in Canada.

Together they are about to undertake the most difficult 3 months of their entire life together...only...while residing in different countries.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 17 - Manda

Woke up this morning and got straight to Ab Ripper X. I like to do the Ab workout before the other one.

I still cant do the V Up Roll Ups or whatever they are called and I have trouble with the Oblique V Ups to but every week I can pump out a couple more reps of everything else.

Shoulders and Arms went awesome today. I up'd my weights to 8's today for most of the exercises except mostly all of the tricep ones. I felt like i really worked today and had to grunt out the last couple reps.

Drank mad amounts of water yesterday. Was peeing like a pregnant lady but dont feel as though i am retaining as much today which feels good.

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